Sponsorship Opportunities

Gold Sponsor: $5,250
Ten tickets (one table of 10), gold border full-page ad in journal, special listing as premier sponsor
Silver Sponsor: $3,700
Eight tickets, full-page ad in journal, special listing as participating sponsor
Bronze Sponsor: $2,650
Six tickets, black-and-white full-page ad in journal, special listing as participating sponsor
Patron: $1,600
Four tickets, black-and-white half-page ad in journal, special listing as participating sponsor
Underwriting opportunities include acknowledgement in promotional materials and a full-page journal ad:

Journal Ad Opportunities

Gold border full page (7.5" x 10"): $2,000
  Black-and-white quarter page (3.5" x 4.75"): $500
Black-and-white full page (7.5" x 10"): $1,000
  Business card size: $250
Black-and-white half page (7.5" x 4.75"): $750

Deadline for Ads: April 11, 2025. Please send ad in camera-ready format, digital file (PDF, TIFF, JPG at least 600 dpi, QuarkXpress, InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator), no bleeds, to events@nbefoundation.org.
  • To make payment with a check, please make payable to Nassau BOCES Educational Foundation. Print out a response card, fill in the necessary information and send with check to: Nassau BOCES Educational Foundation c/o Recording Secretary, Teresa Scaturro, 11 Dale Lane, Levittown, NY 11756. (Response card coming soon.)