Apply for a grant
How to submit an Nassau BOCES Educational Foundation Grant Application:
All three (3) documents must be completed and submitted to be considered for a grant.
(For best results to fill out application, please use Google Chrome as your browser.)Complete Grant Application and Financial Worksheet documents (left navigation). Both documents are fillable. Print out Rubric to submit with application. Submit all three (3) documents to your principal/supervisor. Only typed and complete applications will be accepted.
1. The Grant Application is a fillable pdf. There are limits to characters as indicated on the form. If you need to add additional information, please attach a typed document to the application.
2. The Financial Worksheet is an Excel spreadsheet with formulas embedded to calculate for you. Please replace the sample text and amounts with your information and delete any extra. **
3. The Rubric Form is to be printed out and attached to your application. Your principal/supervisor will complete the Rubric form, and sign the application form, indicating his or her approval. Your principal/supervisor will forward all three documents to the executive director.
󠇜Please make sure you have proofread the application for spelling, grammar and clarity.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS:Projects involving the hiring of outside consultants will not be funded by the Foundation. If training is required to implement a curriculum or program requested in a grant, the cost of the training should be included in the curriculum or program cost. However, this training cost should be listed in the project budget.
How will grants be awarded?
Grant proposals will be reviewed by the Board of Directors of the Educational Foundation. Based on available funds and the merits of individual grants, the Board will select the grants recommended for funding. Read our grant evaluation criteria. The Foundation Board will then submit its recommended grant proposals to the Nassau BOCES Board who will have the final acceptance or rejection of the proposal. If the BOCES Board accepts the grant proposal, a special budget will be set up in the general fund for the operation and expenses of the grant.
What Happens if I am a Successful Applicant?
If you are awarded a Grant from the Foundation, you will be responsible to keep all records of money spent, receipts and any disbursements which could affect the Grant.
You will also be asked to provide a tri-fold board (tri-fold will be provided by the Foundation) with pictures and information on your grant for the Nassau BOCES Education Partners Award Gala.
Finally, you will be asked to fill out a Grant Evaluation form, which you will be sent some time in the progress of your Grant. (The form will also be on the Foundation website.)
ABOVE DISCLAIMER * Please understand that your willingness to apply for a grant does not necessarily mean the Grant will be approved. Initially, you must obtain the approval of your building principal or supervisor who, if they approve of the idea, will pass it along to the Executive Director of your department. If the Executive Director also agrees that it’s a worthy idea to be funded, he or she will pass it along to the District Superintendent. If the District Superintendent approves, he will pass the application to the Foundation’s Board who will consider it. Please do not forget to sign the application and get the applicable approvals. Applications will not be considered if all three signatures are not complete.

Grant proposals should incorporate the following:
A. innovative and creative ideas
B. the support of the best research in teaching and learning
C. goals that can be replicated and have the potential to serve many Nassau BOCES students
D. projects outside the funding of the normal operating budgets
** Please note: There must be three (3) comparison quotes to purchase items for your grant.
Read our grant evaluation criteria.